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Keyword: Kiva

Teacher recognized for saving student’s life

Paradise Valley Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner has proclaimed Feb. 9, 2023 as Alexandria Hawley Day, following the teacher’s heroic actions. Hawley has been a teacher for third and fifth grades at …

Project costs going up for Scottsdale Unified rebuild …

As construction costs and other impacts leftover from the COVID-19 pandemic linger, Scottsdale Unified School District is being asked to adjust some project costs on its local elementary school rebuilds.

Kiva Elementary teachers check-out school rebuild

Faculty members of Kiva Elementary School toured the campus rebuild in March, seeing progress made on the Paradise Valley school. According to district documents, the project was 56% complete as …

BBB Pacific Southwest to host International …

Immigrant business owners and entrepreneurs face unique challenges when it comes to accessing resources to start and develop a business.